Frequently Asked Questions
Before you visit, you might like to know...


What is your worship service like?

Our services are informed by historic Reformed practice. As such, we strive to keep it simple. We pray, we sing, we give, and we hear God's Word preached. On the last Sunday of the month, we normally take the Lord's Supper together. We sing from the Trinity Hymnal, usually accompanied by piano. Sermons are expositional and directed at the conscience. 

Do you offer childcare?

Children are welcome to stay throughout the service. Nursery care is provided during the sermon for children ages 4 and under for those who so desire. 

Is there Sunday School?

Currently, we cannot offer a morning Sunday School because of our building constraints. However, on the second and fourth Sundays, we have an evening program for children focused on a biblical theme. 

What should I wear?

Our focus is not on anyone's appearance but on the glory of God. As such, our congregation employs a broad range of attire. Some wear shorts and a T-shirt. Some wear a jacket and jeans or slacks. Some wear suspenders, others wear belts.  

What time and where is it?

We meet from about 11:15am to 12:30pm at 101 South Hinman St. Columbus, IN 47201.

Since another congregation meets here before us, we usually begin arriving around 11. We make up for our late arrival by staying afterward for a good long while visiting. A light snack is offered after the service to keep the children (and, truth be told, their parents) from starving.